Humane Friends
We collaborate with wonderful local people and
organizations which support humane causes.
Triangle Land Conservancy
Conserving land in the Triangle area is a key solution to mending the harm done to wildlife through the loss of habitat. Loss of habitat and our own species’ need for dwellings and roads and such is a prime cause of the challenges between humans and wildlife. Wildlife needs habitat so they sometimes take up residence in our dwellings. Humane Homes tends to home owners' needs by excluding wildlife. Donating to TLC to conserve land for wildlife is our way of making it up to our fellow wild beings for the spaces we have taken from them. Whenever we come out for a snake relocation call, 50% of the fee goes to TLC. So grateful are we to all the staff, interns, volunteers and supporters at TLC! If you are moved, please consider direct support of TLC.
Jenna and Friends Animal Sanctuary
Anna has a wonderful mission rescuing potbellied pigs. When we need to trap wildlife from peoples’ homes she welcomes relocated animals to her land. Humane Homes supports compassionate care of all beings. If you are moved, Jenna and Friends has on-going costs to care for their growing family of precious pigs.
Thanks Anna!
BeWild NC
Nicole, A.J. and many volunteers do amazing work rescuing and caring for reptiles that have been abandoned or relinquished, and injured wild reptiles! They rehabilitate these beautiful beings with the help of local veterinarians. BeWild NC also offers educational programs to a variety of organizations. Nicole often helps Humane Homes’ clients when snakes need to be relocated.
BeWild NC always has new animals they have adopted. Many need veterinary care- and money. Kindly consider supporting their cause. Thank you Nicole and A.J.!